Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines'

So I have been away for awhile, I know...but in my defense Blogger has been playing up something badly and well, the time I do have to blog gets spent on actually trying to log on...things should be different from now on tho...google forced me to upgrade and open a google account ?! why there was anything wrong with the previous system is beyond me, but they obviously felt there was a need to upgrade....my intuition tells me that they are wanting to spy on everybody but that just paranoia speaking... :o)

So what have I been up to since my last post... ???

Quite a bit actually...loads and loads of work with the band, loads and loads of rehearsing...but this is not as exciting as what im about to say...

I have met somebody, somebody I really like, somebody im willing to actually give time away for....she is great, beautiful lovely and intelligent.... :o) its been awhile in the running and tbh I didnt actually think it would go this way, (and it still might not) but im hoping it does...

I kinda feel like a kid again.....that very 1st kiss after going out with the girl for a month or 2....the nervousness of it all and the butterflies in my stomach...its quite something since I havent felt like this since well...my last serious girlfriend...the other girls inbetween have literally been other girls inbetween.....hopefully I get to keep this one ;o)

Anyways...thats it for now....I go on a date with her tonight and now that I have upgraded blogger, I should be more current...thats if it lets me in :o)


Blogger Champagne Heathen said...

Soooo....it is now the day after... post details please!!

I am very happy for you about this!

4:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you!
Does she have a feline name?

5:38 AM  
Blogger fly said...

a feline name ??? what exactly is a feline name ??? :O)

11:33 PM  

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