Wednesday, February 21, 2007


2 Days before our gig my laptop breaks down....and its dead, amount of work is going to get that puppy up and going again unless its a format....2 fucken days...

joy...I sometimes question why the fuck I even bother with all this...surely I would be happier just sitting on my fat ass watching TV than having to now bounce around JHB like a lunatic trying to get my laptop fixed.. :o/ 2 days !!!, I was working on the set on sunday, why not break down then ???? I'm just still trying to process the insanely stupid amounts of bad luck i've had before gigs...

last time....the software corrupted and we had to buy a new package....ah, R4500 we'll just quickly whip out.....3 days before the gig.... ??? wtf....can somebody please tell me why !!!

Add to that an insanely annoying person who wont shut the fuck up when she should..."oh fly*, Im sure it wont be a should only take us a few minutes to get up and running again ???" huh ??? ....what planet are you living on lady ??? and when was the last time you tried to set up a 45 minutes set running 11 tracks with 32 FX controllers ??? oh wait, STFU....I dont need your insanely whiney ass, 24 and unemployed opinion right now....right now im just trying to deal with the fact that ive just lost a months worth of work....oh, and can someone tell me, why is it always the unemployed ppl that think they know better ???

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....plan of action...take laptop to HP and beg for them to get some stuff off the drive before we format....I would do it myself but its still under guarantee and if the problem is hardware related (which I suspect) then at least im covered....otherwise, its a late night for me tonight...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude.... i diddnt hear you say anything about this to me...
Im sure I could have / can help you with this problem you are having...
Believe me, im sure that I have either come across this problem before or read / seen it somewhere!

give me a shout if you need help,

1:04 PM  

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