Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Shame on me...

Well its been more than awhile since I posted in this blog....I'm not going to lie...I've been incredibly lazy but driving here I decided it needed a new entry since so much has happened since my last post...

So essentially I "moved on"...hmmm...I think we both knew that wouldn't was agreed that it was probably the best route to take but alas we ended up in the same lustful say this girl turns me on is an understatement...I've been with many girls, some have been good, some have been bad but none have ever completed me like this, she is gorgeous in everyway...

Saying that, I'm not in love...or more like im trying my damdest not to fall in love...I've had my heart broken too many times over the last 4 years to even want to go down that road...I would rather just stay single and even skip the sex if that's what it comes down to...but, I trust her....she knows me well, she knows my history so maybe things turn out smoothly for a change..."maybe"...

On another note, I saw the "ex"...

Now this is a toughie cos essentially we weren't seeing one another yet we spent every waking moment together either online or actually seeing each other...with no physical contact whatsoever...I kissed her once...that's not to say that I didn't love her....over the 3 years we were "together" I cared for her dearly...she just couldn't commit to a physical relationship of any kind....I think her being a virgin at 25 might've had something to do with it but after 3 years she should've had a little more faith in me...I would've never hurt her or taken things beyond what she could handle...

About 3 months ago I decided that it was best that we went our separate ways...neither of us was growing and we were just damaging each other...mentally we were very aggressive towards one another (probably why the charm was always there) and I just couldn't deal with it anymore...she took it fairly badly (something imp still pretty surprised with) and being herself she has now denounced me totally from her life....I had been preparing myself for this so it wasn't too much of a needed to be done...

Anyways....funny cos I still get a tingle in my spine when I know I'll see her....I can predict that I'll either drive past her on the way home or I'll see her at a nightclub, which was the story with Saturday....just the memories alone brought me down and that was before I saw her...sadly and luckily I was with someone else at the time so it was easier to block...

I still feel guilt though...I didn't want to hurt her in anyway but I couldn't continue the way it was sure it'll go away sooner or later....

Other than that...I shaved my nether regions... :oP hehehe...

I do so about twice a year and like DR Evil says "theres nothing quite like a shaved scrotum"...he is right....there isn't... :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, someone else I know does that too and it's amazing.

8:56 AM  

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