Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Arno Carston's Killed My Girlfriend

Ok let me just start to say that this is not entirely true....

1st of all I don’t have a girlfriend so there is no possible way that Arno could’ve done such a dastardly thing.... this all happened to me in a rather vivid dream and since I still remember most of it, I thought I would put it all down on virtual paper before I forgot (or so to speak)...

-.-*'*-._.-*'*-Enters swirls-.-*'*-._.-*'*-

It began at a party, my party in fact and I was being the courteous host.... it was a cheese and wine affair with everybody cunningly downdressed to look smart... my girlfriend, a ravishing blonde was doing a fantastic job with the guests...we parted ways for some or other reason and I ended up speaking to my girlfriends sister, a stunning brunette (if you have ever seen Jemma Jameson with brown hair in her younger years, that what she looked like)...anyways.... there was a scream and we rushed to the bell tower next to the pool ( unsure.gif what a bell tower is doing next to a pool is any guess let alone the fact that I actually own one, a bell tower that is....I don’t even like bells)....there was my beautiful girl hanging by her scarf from the belfry....dead...

Now at a normal party, we would’ve stopped the proceedings and maybe called the police...not this one...nope, everybody carried on as usual like nothing happened and the brunette and myself started to investigate...

At this point things go a bit murky and im not entirely sure what I was doing but it seems I fell in love with the sister (bear in mind the blonde sister is still hanging from the belfry-im so fickle) and a romance started to blossom.... I remember a lot of running in and out of the house (not to sure of any sexual innuendo's here).... up and down corridors and falling more and more in love with this girl, more so than with the previous blonde (she was very pretty and probably very intelligent im sure, the brunette I mean)...and the moment came.... we were going to sleep with one another... (we had been running a lot after all so the time seemed right).... and this was the crux...a pack of birth control tablets fell out of her bag and I instantly knew I had been setup ???

Confused....??? Yep so am I...firstly a dream that involves 2 beautiful woman and no sex is a crime in itself but it would seem that Arno Carstons was my next door neighbour (a farmer wearing dungarees no less) and he was having a secret romance with the brunette (I was woken up before I discovered the secret was unfortunately).... my unlucky blonde girlfriend had been caught in the middle and was going to tell (someone important im guessing) and needed to be she was...

-.-*'*-._.-*'*-Exit swirls-.-*'*-._.-*'*-

So what have I learned from this dream... ???

A.) Stop watching so much Jemma Jameson...
B.) Arno Carston's is not a very nice neighbour (especially if he is wearing dungarees)...
C.) Those multicoloured woollen scarves are strong enough to hang someone by!!!
D.) Brunettes carrying birth control pills cannot be trusted...
E.) That antibiotics seriously effect your dream patterns...


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