Friday, September 29, 2006

Well and truly fukt...


So Ive got myself into a situation that I have no real idea how to get out of...

I committed the cardinal sin of falling in love with my flatmate, now altho this on the surface seems to be no problem it has become a large issue in life cos well...we are no longer together...thats if we ever were to begin with...

If anybody has been following any of my posts im sure that wouldve seen the slow downward spiral ive had of late....some days are better than others but now it just seems like all of them are crap...I have to come back to her every night and inevitably we end up bickering because of whats happened in the past..which was basically a casual relationship that I took too seriously...I knew what I was getting into so altho I may be bitter I was aware...but I loved her so I always hoped there would be more...

Thing is...what now...ive asked her to leave at the end of the month after a rather revealing discussion I had with her....a week or so after we decided to end it, she started sleeping with another guy...

So what you say, get over it and move along....the problem is I cant...the problem is that i'm absolutely shocked that she did this and well...hurt...breaking up with someone is one thing...but take it slow...currently I just feel like a piece of meat that she has taken a slice of...and the saddest thing of all was that we were very good mates up until this point...what complicates matters more is that she is inherently involved in a project ive been working on for the best part of 3 much involved that without her I might as well chuck in the towel...

We are talking my passion here and my reason to I give that up so as not to be controlled by her anymore ??? Do I throw away what I could call my hard earned and well deserved success just so that i can throw off this strangle hold ???

Man its a tough choice...I know without her its gone, but I just cant stand to be around her anymore, not to mention that everytime I think about her I see her shagging another guy...

I just want to burst into tears,there is just no easy way out of this one...

Any advice...pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.....


Blogger Kenneth said...

hey man... you are a fantastic producer, and yeah she did have a great voice, and yeah you did spend a lot of time working on this project.
But, NO, you cant give up!

I doubt you will anyhow... as this is what you do...what youre great at...

Artsits (musos) need a bit of emotional struggle...

What go's up, must come down (what go's up and down must cum...but thats besides the point)
Right now youre on a down... thats fine.. things will get better...
hey... perhaps, cheer yourself up with a new piece of kit.
Bit of gear shopping never hurt anyone.

Dude... If you cant work together then you need to start thinking of other plans. I'm sure that a lot of vocalists have heard your stuff and would be prveleged to work with you.

I love your music and I know youll succeed at what you do :)

4:58 PM  
Blogger fly said...

Thanks Ken...

And what do you know...gear shopping did help.... :o)

I spoke to her today and well i'm guessing once she leaves everything will be fine...Right now its just my emotions kicking in and altho it hurts its just something I need to deal with...

Essentially she didnt do wrong...she may have been a bit insensitive but her actions arent that different from anyone else her age and I just need to understand that...

Getting laid I thought would be the answer but...yeah it just brought in more complications... :o/, they can drive you up the wall...

Fear not tho...ive decided not to throw away something that is finally going somewhere...I just need to bite the pride and when I see her boyfriend accidently spill beer all over him :oP hehehe

4:46 AM  

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